Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Sensations @ 7 Sensations!

After our excellent first visit to this healthy vegetarian restaurant, Mky decided that she would love to bring her parents here and sample the other aspects of their wide and varied menu.

We ordered the Moussaka again, but instead of going for individual portions, we did a shared-dishes type of meal this round. We also had a platter of Gado-gado and Mango-Avocado Salad to kickstart the meal - both dishes were decent but nothing to write home about.

Moving on to the mains, we had one serving each of Korean Brown Rice, Petai Fried Rice and a bowl of regular brown rice as our main carbs, to go with the Tea-Flavoured Vegetables, Sambal Buah Keluak and "Mutton" Curry.  Though we were already quite stuffed by then, the urge to order desserts was irresistible so we rounded off the excellent meal with some sweet treats - Chocolate & Raspberry Cake, Eggless Durian Cake and Avocado Mousse.

Since we had a larger party this time, we managed to sample a wider variety of delectables in the 7 Sensations menu.  Overall roundup:

- Moussaka: according to Mky, today's version of the Moussaka tasted even better than our last encounter. We surmised that it was cos we ate it hot, straight from the oven, rather than letting it stand till it got cold. Very good nonetheless!  Mky: Moussaka was moister this time round, giving it a smoother, richer bite than our previous try (which was in itself good, but this time it was better!), where it was a bit grainy.  The eggplant layer was also more discernable... a good thing!
- Korean Brown Rice: can't go wrong with this dish!  Everybody liked it.
- Petai Fried Rice: slightly tastier than the regular plain brown rice.. Mky: the petai bits could have been bigger for more kick... by cutting them into slivers, there's hardly any petai taste in each bite unless one gets lucky and has a whole heap clustered together.
- Tea-Flavoured Vegetables: smelled great, loved the thick mushroom slices!  Mky: thought it clever that they deep-fried thick-cut slices of mushroom stem.  Created a taste sensation similar to fishcake which wowed us all.  The greens were well-executed, no tough fibrous bits, only crunchy tasty goodness!
- Chocolate & Raspberry Cake: Excellent high density cake that Mky decided would likely be the cake that I will be having for my birthday in April =D  Mky: Looking at Dky's expression when eating it, I knew for sure he'd love to have it as his birthday cake.  Saved the very last bite for him, and boy was he gleeful.  Cake had a decadent, almost velvety mouthfeel, liked very much that it was made of bittersweet chocolate enhanced by the pleasing tartness of raspberry jam.  Definitely not a sugar-bomb confection.  We love it!
- Avocado Mousse: Cool, soft and topped with a generous portion of gula melaka.

- "Mutton" Curry - The "mutton" pieces were actually very well-done, with realistic grain and texture and without the greasy sheen one usually associates with mock meats.  However, the curry gravy was a letdown as it was thin and tasted too strongly of curry powder.  One-dimensional.
- Gado-gado - Mky: Not quite worth it's price tag, even if the sauce was made of cashews (or was it almonds??).
- Sambal Buak Keluak: Even though this is categorised under a "Miss", I must say you can't go wrong with Buah Keluak.  Main issues was the sauce that was used - it had way too much vinegar, so it was overwhelmingly sour and mouth-puckering.  The "chicken" bits were as good as the "mutton" though!
- Eggless Durian Cake: Mky's parents who are durian lovers, say that the cake here didn't match up.  And this was quite obvious from the speed at which the other 2 desserts were being consumed, leaving the durian cake in the dust.  Mky: Perhaps the durian cake would have benefited from the inclusion of some fresh durian pulp for texture and fragrance.  The cake appeared to have been set with a gelatin or gelling agent, which affected its creaminess.

I must say that eating at 7 Sensations is a real happy-making experience. I thoroughly enjoyed the tastes that each and every single dish promised, especially since there is no MSG aftermath following it. I was practically bursting with joy while eating here! Mky: hear, hear! No MSG attacks!

Currently there is a promotion for Standard Chartered card-holders. Eating here on a Sunday gets you a whopping 20% discount. Spending over $100 gets you another 5% on top of that. That means you get a whopping 25% discount! Doesn't that make you want to just make a reservation there now?
(A caveat: being in Little India, there are a lot of foreign workers thronging the streets on Sundays, thus the large discount probably benefits only those who don't mind or aren't scared of walking in huge crowds.  Finding a parking space can also be an issue.).

Kudos once again to cousin Dawn for introducing this delightful restaurant to us.

16 Madras Street S(208413)
(Just behind The Verge at Tekka)
Tel: 6298 8198


  1. So glad you liked it! The avocado mousse is my Mom's favourite and now I have to try some of the things you guys recommended!

  2. Hi Dawn, thanks so much for the excellent recommendation of 7 Sensations! Really enjoyed the food there =)

    If you haven't tried the moussaka, lasagne or choc raspberry cake, give them a taste! We liked those dishes especially... Cheers!
