Sunday, April 3, 2011

Home-made Mushroom Cream Pasta

Mky made this mushroom cream pasta dish a few weeks back. It was healthy (wholegrain pasta noodle), and the yummy sauce was entirely home-made, with the natural flavours of rendered pork fat (removed after attaining the oil), onions, mushrooms, as well as peas! The patties we purchased whole from a supermarket, and that was probably the saltiest thing on the plate. Check out the process in the pics above.

Oh yes, as you might be able to tell, we tried to emphasize 'plating' a bit more in this one. Hope it turned out nicer than our previous attempts. We're still learning!


  1. your plate of spag looks like some deadly alien hehe!

    Think I won't buy wholemeal spag anymore... too tough and chewy... wholemeal works better for fusilli, tiny chewy bites better than thick cables to gnaw through =p

  2. the "deadly alien" was arranged by you lor... hehe

  3. Looks good! When are we having a Sherm-hosted party? Must try her food!

  4. hmmm.. she has no such plans. But I'm sure there would be one for the house-warming... 4 yrs later. lol! =D

  5. @ eastpaw: you don't need me to cook la, you have a gf who will do that for you! =)
