Monday, July 4, 2011

Emerald Garden Thai Food

One of our fave eating/drinking places, Bar Bar Black Sheep, is host to a few very interesting food stalls. The original reason we went there was to try out the burgers from Smokin' Frogz. There's also very excellent Indian food there, which we've recently shared with our friends to rave reviews. But seeing as how Thailand has just voted in their new Prime Minister, we'll focus on the Thai outlet called Emerald Garden Thai Food.

Here we have the Papaya Salad. A fantastic dish made fabulous by the sauce used. Mky should be able to explain what it is.

Of course, what would a visit to Bar Bar's be without imbibing an exotic import? We gave the Tetley's Bitter a go, and we liked it - foamy like a Kilkeny.

Me is not a spice-lover, and so Mky will have to describe their Tom Yum soup for you. I can only say there was a lot of seafood in it!

And finally, the dish of the night - the Pork ?? This dish is listed as an appetizer on the menu... and it costs a whopping $12. But considering you're getting a whole lotta tasty meat, its not bad. Mky and I ate it as our shared main with rice. It made a nice balanced meal when eaten together with our other orders.

Emerald Garden Thai Food
@ Bar Bar Black Sheep
879 Bukit Timah Road

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